Forum editorial: ND law is clear on e-cigs

It’s been stressed before, but in light of the growing use of e-cigarettes by youth and adults, it should be stressed again: All the prohibitions, bans and restrictions on the use of tobacco in North Dakota apply to e-cigarettes and related electronic devices used for “vaping.” The law, which won voter approval in every county in the state less than three years ago, is clear.

Steve Stark, Fargo Forum

Steve Stark, Fargo Forum

There seems to be either a misunderstand-ing or a purposeful manipulation of North Dakota law among fans of e-cigs and vaping. Aided and abetted by a sophisticated industry, the peddlers and promoters of electronic smoking are trying to characterize their habit as nonsmoking, nonaddicting and an effective means to get off tobacco. But the stealth agenda seems to be more about convincing the public that electronic nicotine delivery systems are harmless, indeed beneficial.

Don’t buy it.

It’s no accident e-cigs have gone from nondescript tubes to smartly produced designer accessories, like a watch or a purse or a switchblade. It also should come as no surprise that big tobacco has jumped into the e-cig market with both dirty feet, including airing TV spots designed to convince that use of the nicotine delivery tubes is sexy, fashionable and safe. Nor should anyone be shocked that marketing strategies feature brightly colored e-cigs and appealing vaporized flavors. In advertising at least, the lies that brought us the Marlboro Man are not dead, even if the Marlboro man is.

North Dakota law does not prohibit the sale and use of e-cigarettes by adults. But just like tobacco products, e-cigs are banned in all places where smoking is not allowed under the law. It’s not complicated. E-cig and vaping aficionados who believe smoking ban laws don’t apply to them should be called out and, if necessary, fined.

Forum editorials represent the opinion of Forum management and the newspaper’s Editorial Board.