Letter: Raise state cigarette tax, protect ND kids

By Nicholas Thies, Fargo

I have a friend who started smoking in ninth grade, roughly seven years ago, and he is still addicted to this day. The tobacco companies are aware of these trends and spend millions of dollars on new products and deceptive marketing with the goal of turning children into lifelong customers, as is the case with my friend. I have talked with him, and he has told me how raising the tobacco tax would greatly encourage him to quit smoking.

One of the best ways to prevent kids from ever starting the deadly addiction is to increase the price of tobacco products so they can’t afford to purchase them. States have been successfully using this tactic over the past decade by increasing local tobacco taxes. It can also help detract adult smokers from continuing the habit. Many of my aunts and uncles have been smoking for decades, and I always wished for something that would make them quit.

I’m suggesting we raise North Dakota’s cigarette tax significantly. Of the surrounding states, North Dakota’s tobacco tax is incredibly cheaper.

This one simple act can keep nearly 7,900 North Dakota kids from ever becoming adult smokers. And, more importantly, it means that more than 4,700 caused deaths would be prevented.

North Dakota, this is a win-win idea. You can decrease long-term health care costs and protect our children. I urge you to write your legislator and ask them to consider increasing North Dakota’s tax on all tobacco products.

It’s the right choice for our kids.
