FDA Permits Marketing of E-Cigarette Products

The FDA approved marketing for 3 e-cigarette products on Tuesday, marking the first approvals under the new Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA) pathway. TFND does not support the agency’s decision. Executive Director Heather Austin released this statement in response to the FDA’s decision:

“We are deeply concerned about the 3 products newly designated by the Food and Drug Administration. Overwhelming data has shown electronic products don’t foster cessation. Switching isn’t quitting. Dual-usage between traditional and electronic products is another concern. We strongly disagree with the FDA’s assertion that these products are safer, therefore making them safe for cessation. We will continue to educate the public on the dangers of these products and to use evidence-based best practices for cessation.”

The ND Department of Health also has a position against ENDS products which you can find here.