Is Second-hand Smoke Dangerous to Pets?

Author: Written by: Ontario SPCA
With all the research that’s been done on the effects of second-hand smoke on people, we all know what dangerous and potentially deadly effects could come from inhaling second-hand smoke. But did you know that second-hand smoke can be deadly even to pets?
Studies involving dogs have shown that dogs who were exposed to large amounts of second-hand smoke have showed significant changes in their lung tissue over time. The changes range from fibrosis, or scarring of the lung tissue, to precancerous and even cancerous lesions.
Studies involving cats have shown that second-hand smoke may double their risk of lymphoma development.
If your cat or dog suffers from respiratory diseases such as asthma or bronchitis, quitting smoking, or not smoking around your pets, may significantly improve their symptoms.
If you’re not ready to kick the habit just yet, it’s best to smoke when you’re not around your pets and to make sure you wash your hands before handling them.
More findings from these studies can be found on Modern Dog Magazine’s website.
Concerned that your cat or dog may be suffering from a tobacco-related issue?  Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian immediately.