Cigarette Taxation Helps to Reduce Drinking Among Groups Considered Vulnerable

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death and disability in the U.S., while heavy drinking ranks as the third leading cause of preventable death. Cigarette taxation has been recognized as one of the most significant policy instruments to reduce smoking. Given that smoking and drinking often occur together, a first-of-its-kind study has examined […]

Cigarette Taxes Linked to Binge Drinking

By Elbert Chu, Associate Producer, MedPage Today Cigarette tax hikes were associated with a drop in the number of binge drinking bouts among male smokers and the amount of alcohol consumed when they did drink, investigators found. Compared with male smokers who were not hit with any cigarette tax increases, those who were binged seven fewer […]

New cigarette tax saves lives in Minnesota

By: Lindsay Aijala, Two Harbors, Lake County News Chronicle I’m writing in support of the $1.60 increase in the cigarette tax, which was included in the tax bill passed in the recently completed legislative session. The $1.60 per pack increase means that 47,000 Minnesota kids will never become addicted to cigarettes and have to face the […]

Employees Who Smoke Cost Businesses $6,000 Extra Per Year; Cigarette Breaks Big Factor In Loss of Productivity

By Zulai Serrano A new study reveals U.S. businesses pay almost $6,000 per year extra for each employee who smokes, according to Ohio State University researchers. The researchers took an in depth look at the financial burden for companies that employ smokers, and the findings may surprise you. “By drawing on previous research on the costs […]

Most youth who use smokeless tobacco are smokers, too

By Anne Harding, Reuters NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Most young people in the U.S. who use newer smokeless tobacco products are smoking cigarettes too, according to new research. “These findings are troubling, but not surprising, as tobacco companies spend huge sums to market smokeless tobacco in ways that entice kids to start and encourage […]